

The Power of Vulnerability

We are all wired for human connection. But a challenge in relationship is how to be truly vulnerable; the challenge of vulnerability is one we struggle with in both individual and couples therapy. I’m including here a lecture by Brene Brown on vulnerability; this is Dr. Brown’s original, and popular, TED talk. Dr. Brown is […]

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How Can I Tell If My Marriage Is In Trouble?

In my therapy with couples, we frequently discover that both people feel they have been drifting apart for years and years. I strongly recommend commencing couples therapy when problematic patterns first emerge, as it can be easier to facilitate change at that point. However, at any stage where one or both members of the couple […]

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Coping With Fear

In this lecture, Tara Brach discusses how we can understand the impact of fear on our bodies and minds, and introduces techniques for coping with fear. Brach describes how the mind contracts, the body becomes tight, and calls this the “trance” created by fear. She then considers how to “attend and befriend” the fear, and […]

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